Who are we?

ron & Yol 2

     We are Ronny and Yolande

Travelling has always been one of our hobby’s. After visiting many continents we visted South Africa in 2002 for the first time. After only the second day it gave us the feeling, not to be on vacation, but to feel that we were at home. It was a feeling that no other country had given us before.






ron aficra

 The hustle and bustle of a stressful life in Belgium, and the thought that we should be more happy as a family if we should do an activity together was the deciding point for us to take the step and to emigrate to South Africa. At the end of 2003 our decision was made,”we should go for it”






DogAt the end of December 2006 the time was upon us – Yolande gave up her business and Ronny gave his career another direction. Since that time we have run Guesthouse Ponciana together in which we will give you the feeling also to be at home, together with all the luxury you would expect to have when you are on vacation.





Where ever you come from – you will be treated as real guests and we will welcome you in Dutch, French, English or German. Our ‘Afrikaans’ is also getting better and better every day.

Wie zijn we

Yours Sincerely Ronny and Yolande

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